TheSelectFew concierge program includes:
Enhanced Endocrine and Internal Medicine Services
TheSelectFew offers for an annual fee:
• A 1.5 hour Executive Physical, EKG, labs not covered by regular insurance.
• 24/7 direct access to Dr. Jones by cell phone/text/email (when not in the office).
• Hospital coverage is only at Boca Raton Regional Hospital – admission/consultation as is appropriate. This offers a distinct advantage in coordination of care.
We are commited to patient education.
We host patient health seminars each year for TheSelectFew members with guest speakers as well as Dr. Jones providing lectures on a variety of topics. Brunch is included.
Recent seminar Topics discussed include: Vitamin Supplements, Calcium/Vitamin D/Parathyroid Balance, Sleep Disorders, Dietary Carbohydrates and their Metabolism, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Anxiety & Depression with Abby Strauss, MD., Mindful Eating with Carol Sherman, RD and Thyroid 101 with Kathryn D. Jones, MD
These features of the conceirge medical practice permit a more preventative health focus.
This type of treatment should be seriously considered by patients who require more intensity of care, those who desire the convenience of enhanced access, on time appointments, same day or next business day appointments. Also they may rather have one physician – not two.
This may be attractive for patients who are not on insurance plans with which Dr. Jones participates or those with high deductibles.